Heavenly Inquisition Sword (Novel) Chapter 109

Chapter 109. Sometimes It Feels That Way

Finally, Yeon Seolju stayed up all night and got up early at dawn the next day.

After tidying up the bed, she went outside and washed her face with cold water.

As there were still more than two hours until breakfast time, she returned to her room.

Sitting in a chair, she began to plan her day in her mind.

First, breakfast.

Then, change into clean clothes and look for Pung Yeoncho and Tak Gomyung.

'Will it be enough to meet just one of them?'

Ask them about Yeon Jeokha's whereabouts.

Find Yeon Jeokha.

'And then...'

Yeon Seolju thought about what she should do next.

First, apologize for the past.

If she didn't clear away old resentments, there could be no conversation.

Yeon Seolju mentally rehearsed what she would say when she met Yeon Jeokha.

It was all mother's doing and the house administrator's. As you know, I was only nine years old back then. Sometimes I worried about you, but there was nothing I could do...
Would that be enough?

I'm sorry. But mother is a very harsh person, to the point of wanting to send me to the Chamber of Commerce as well. Even my brothers, being adults, can't disobey mother.

That was no lie.

Her brothers were even more controlled by their mother than she was.

They couldn't oppose their mother to the point of wanting to make a deal with the Lunar Fairy, the family's enemy.

'Should I ask for forgiveness or just apologize?'

She felt that asking for forgiveness was too much, but apologizing might seem like she was downplaying Yeon Jeokha's suffering.

Yeon Seolju hesitated between 'forgive me' and 'I'm sorry' for quite a while.

'Ah, it doesn't matter. I'll decide based on the atmosphere when the time comes.'

Having reached this conclusion, her heart started pounding.

Now came the important part.

She had to speak directly and respectfully.

I am also from the Yeon Family and besides that, I am your sister. I want to know about the legacy left by our ancestors. Teach me.
Yeon Seolju whispered softly to herself and then got up from her seat.

She went outside.

Surprisingly, it was still dark.

Although her heart was anxious, time seemed to pass very slowly.


Kaifeng. Dajeong Tea House.

Pung Yeoncho spoke in a calm tone.

"Ah, what a pity. Brother Yeon left Kaifeng yesterday. I can't tell you where he went. He doesn't want to meet with family members."

"He left Kaifeng? Is that true?"


"Master Pung, I wanted to meet him to apologize for the past."

"I'm sorry, but I must respect Brother Yeon's wishes."

"That's fine. I'll resolve that when I see him. But first, I have a question."

"If I know the answer, I'll gladly give it to you."

"Master Pung, did you learn of the Yeon Family legacy from Yeon Jeokha?"

"You could say so."

"I knew it. A few days ago, I saw Masters Pung and Tak fighting at the entrance of the Jin'an night market. The technique seemed similar to that of the Waryong Manor, but the results were very different. I don't think it's because they use machetes instead of swords. How is that possible?"

"Is that why you want to meet Brother Yeon, to resolve that doubt?"

"It's not just that. Mainly, I want to apologize and fix our broken relationship."

"Then, the second reason would be to learn about the legacy?"

"Of course. I'm his sister, and I believe I have the right to know the legacy of our ancestors that Yeon Jeokha has found."

Pung Yeoncho sighed inwardly.

He didn't know whether to call her bold or shameless.

"I repeat that I respect Brother Yeon's wishes. If you want to know about the legacy, you'll have to ask him. Although Brother Yeon is my sworn brother, he is also like a master to me. I can't contradict my master's wishes."


Yeon Seolju gritted her teeth and glared at Pung Yeoncho.

"Listen. Then at least tell me where Yeon Jeokha went. I really need to see him. I couldn't sleep all night waiting to find him."

‘I understand. You must be dying of curiosity about the legacy.’

Pung Yeoncho observed the anxious Yeon Seolju and responded slowly.

"Chief Yeon, if fate allows it, you will meet Brother Yeon. Please be patient and wait."

"But you are blocking that fate. Just tell me where he went. Please."

"I've already told you my position. It won't change."


Yeon Seolju, with clenched fists and trembling with rage, finally gave up and got up. She left the tea house without saying goodbye.


Late December.

East Residence of Zhengzhou.

After years of neglect, a group of twenty carpenters arrived at the old premises. Without rest, they repaired every corner of the residence.

At the beginning of the new year, the carpenters finished their work and suddenly disappeared, like the ebbing tide.

Although no sign was hung at the entrance, rumors about a new martial arts faction spread throughout the town.


The first day of the new year.

On the official road to Zhengzhou, a cart was moving slowly.

In it were Yeon Jeokha and Old Shim.

As the cart moved, their bodies swayed from side to side.

Looking casually out the window, Yeon Jeokha spoke.

"Old Shim, I've been thinking about something."

"Hehe, yes."

Old Shim was curious to know what great thing he was going to say this time.

"We've already killed two of the Demon Warriors, right?"

"You killed them, young master."

"Why are you suddenly distancing yourself? Are you worried about the Yoomyung Cult?"

"Of course not. It's just that it seems too flattering to include myself."

Old Shim shuddered slightly.

Honestly, he could face a Demon Warrior, but after that, he would be defenseless.

Not only was it impossible to pierce their skin with a sword, but in the case of Jin Gahee, she even emitted infernal flames from her palms. How can you defeat someone like that?

As Old Shim shook his head, he asked.

"So, what were you thinking about?"

"Don't you think the Yoomyung Cult will try to find us? I feel like they will. Or won't they?"

"They surely will. In the Murim, revenge is fundamental."

"Do they think we're Wanderers from Waryong Manor?"

"Ah, are you worried that the Five Peaks Mountain Gang will suffer because of this?"

"Yes. Sooner or later, they will find out the truth and won't sit idly by."

"So, what do you plan to do, young master?"

Old Shim carefully observed Yeon Jeokha.

He thought he was wandering aimlessly, but it turned out that he had several things on his mind. This is how experience accumulates in the Murim, and that was a positive thing.

"I only got that far with my thoughts."


Old Shim nodded.

Expecting more from someone so new to the Murim seemed excessive.

"So, what do Murim warriors do in situations like this?"

"I don't know. I've always wandered alone, without family or sect, so I never worried about that."

"But at least you must have heard something."

"In short, you shouldn't worry so much."

"Why not?"

"The Yoomyung Cult won't attack the Five Peaks Mountain Gang, even if they know you were the leader. That would mean confronting the Nokrim. Unless you are the chief, they have no reason to attack."


"Destroying the Five Peaks Mountain Gang would bring them more losses than gains by antagonizing the Nokrim. If I were the leader of the Yoomyung Cult, I wouldn't do something like that. Most people think the same."

"So, did I worry for nothing?"

"It wasn't in vain. The important thing is that you thought long-term. All that counts as experience. You did very well."

Old Shim looked at Yeon Jeokha with eyes full of pride.

"Why that sly look?"

"Hehe, sly, why do you say that? Of course not."

"Wow, you're even laughing."

As the two playfully bickered, the cart continued its journey to Zhengzhou.

Henan Province. Zhengzhou.

When the founder of the Xia dynasty, Yu the Great, divided the world into nine regions, Henan was in the center. Since then, Henan has been known as Zhengzhou or Jungwon, the center of China.

Zhengzhou, the capital of Henan, is a paradise for orthodox Murim warriors. It hosts countless small martial families, academies, and sects with a rich history.

Although the Shaolin Temple, leader of the Seven Great Sects, is in the Dengfeng district to the southwest, it has no influence in Zhengzhou due to its distance.

At noon.

Yeon Jeokha and Old Shim entered the immense city of Zhengzhou in their cart.

The cart passed through the city gate and moved forward until it stopped at a postal station.

"We have arrived, sirs."

Only then did Yeon Jeokha and Old Shim get off the cart.

Yeon Jeokha looked around and murmured.

"Today it seems much bigger."

The last time, he just passed by without paying much attention.

"Hehe, it's always been big. It must be that now your eyes notice it. We have time, shall we eat something first?"

"Let's do it."

Despite the cold, the streets were full of people.

Walking down the bustling street, the two stopped in front of the Zhongyuan restaurant.

They had eaten there once before.

Looking at each other, they were drawn by the familiarity and entered the restaurant.

Yeon Jeokha looked around.

Having been there before, it felt more familiar than strange.

The busy waiter was the same, and so was the owner at the counter.

Old Shim commented when he saw Yeon Jeokha's smile.

"Are you in a good mood, young master?"

"No, why?"

"It seemed like you were smiling."

"It's nothing. It's just that, having been here before, I feel comfortable."

"Sometimes, for no reason, one feels that way. Perhaps Zhengzhou suits you."


Yeon Jeokha tilted his head, thoughtful.

Since Old Shim, an experienced elder, said so, it was starting to seem true to him.

At that moment, the door opened, and a middle-aged man and woman entered.

Without realizing it, Yeon Jeokha turned his head to the side.

His heart pounded violently.

Thump, thump, thump.

With those loud beats, the feeling of comfort vanished completely.

Alarmed by Yeon Jeokha's sudden change, Old Shim looked around.

But he saw nothing out of the ordinary.

There were no threatening Murim warriors, and all the customers were peacefully enjoying their meals.

"Young master?"

Old Shim called Yeon Jeokha quietly.

Since he had known him, he had never seen him so uneasy.

What could be disturbing someone of Yeon Jeokha's level so much?


(Up to '50' more ch4pt3rs)
Publication of up to 5 weekly ch4pters, thanks.


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