TWB (Novel) Chapter 149

Extra - 5

Everyone was waiting for Bianca to open the carriage window and reveal herself. Some people were startled when they caught a glimpse of Bianca's face through the cracks in the window.

Zachary wished that Bianca would never show her face. Zachary had no intention of sharing Bianca with anyone. 

Not a single moment, even if it's just a smile.

He knew it was a limited thought, but he couldn't help it. 

Although he knew for certain that her heart was open to him, unlike how Bianca had been anxious about what he would think of her dream, Zachary still choked up at every glance and gesture of her hand.

The enthusiasm of the people was also transmitted inside the carriage. 

Yvonne, who had read the sincere wishes of the people but had no idea of Zachary's inner feelings, smiled widely and nudged Bianca's back.

"Please show your face, madam. Everyone seems to be waiting for you."

"It's already passed, it's already passed. If they look at me, they'll only be disappointed."

Bianca waved her hand. Lucy was taken aback by the harsher reaction than expected.

"Why would they be disappointed? Everyone will be happy to see you!"

"Don't they expect me as a saint? Honestly, I know I don't look like a saint. I have a fierce face and luxurious clothes."


"It's good to leave expectations as expectations."

Bianca stood firm. Not even the enthusiastic cheers of the people moved her heart. Yvonne, knowing that Bianca didn't change her mind once she made a decision, patted her sister's shoulder, who still seemed to not understand.

In the end, Bianca didn't even peek her face out of the carriage until they entered the palace of Lahoz. That made her husband, Zachary, who had been terrified, feel extremely relieved.


The last time they came to Lahoz, there was no shortage of hospitality, but this time the level of sophistication was different. As a noblewoman, Bianca, who was accustomed to being served by others, was surprised by the treatment akin to royalty.

Especially in the room they were assigned, Bianca couldn't hide her surprise. The place they were led to was the room Odelli had used when she was a princess. 

There was a small change. A cradle in the corner of the room, with green curtains and a canopy... Since Bianca's original room was painted blue, it was tailored to Bianca's taste.

"How can I get this room...? Isn't it too much?"

"You're a duchess. In terms of rank, there's not much difference from a princess. And above all, aren't you a close friend of His Majesty? 

His Majesty ordered us to use this room on purpose. His Majesty must be pleased with the person who receives it."

Zachary convinced Bianca. But as if the burden was still there, Bianca anxiously looked around the room.

It wasn't because the decorations that filled the room and the furniture were too precious to be expensive. Bianca also enjoyed this degree of luxury in the Arno Castle. 

However, the meaning of this room was just a burden.

The room that Victor II, who loved Odelli, meticulously decorated, was indescribable in its splendor, with a grand view from the window and majestic interior decoration.

In short, it was a space filled with memories of Odelli. Bianca knew the meaning of this room better than anyone, as it was as precious as the room where she had once been confined.

Can she receive such a room? Bianca hesitated and looked around the room. At that moment, the Queen's maid entered the room.

"Duchess of Arno. Her Majesty is calling."

It was Odelli's summons. She was in the palace, so Bianca was going to greet Odelli, but the summons came earlier than expected. Zachary followed Bianca, who nodded and stood up.

"I also have to greet His Majesty, so let's go together."

"His Majesty said she would like to see only the Duchess Arno and in private. Maybe if the duke goes with you..."

The maid looked puzzled. 

There was nothing wrong with Zachary going, but it probably wasn't as easy to speak openly as the Queen and the duke. Political affairs would automatically come into play. It was far from Odelli's intentions.

Indeed, it was unusual for her to make an appointment with the other party without receiving a proper greeting from the duke. 

It wasn't that Odelli was ignoring Zachary, it was just that she was anxious to meet Bianca. However, the maid looked at Zachary because she couldn't help but think about it.

Bianca shrugged slightly.

"I understand. Then I'll go with Yvonne and Lucy."


"Don't worry. It's not my first time in the royal palace. Besides, you have work to do. You said you had a lot of work to do as soon as you arrived at the palace today. Fortunately, it seems that His Majesty won't greet you today, so let's take care of our matters and meet early in the evening."

Despite Bianca's persuasion, Zachary couldn't help but feel anxious. Bianca shook her head as if in a hurry. Although he had only vaguely thought about it until now, Zachary had a slightly questionable tendency. If he didn't scrutinize every action he was taking, it seemed like he couldn't let it go.

In reality, it was a very serious situation, not something simple, but in front of Bianca, Zachary couldn't openly show it and appeared less rigorous. Unfortunately or fortunately, Zachary himself didn't even realize how grave his situation was.

The people around Zachary were vaguely aware of Zachary's disposition, but deliberately let it pass. It was because it didn't seem like it would be very good to be aware of it.

Bianca patted Zachary on the shoulder and convinced him with a bright voice.

"And when we're together, we stand out a lot. The Duchess of Arno is... like shouting out loud. I'll go and come back quietly without any issues."

Zachary's lips twisted in disgust. 

But Bianca's words made sense. In the end, Zachary reluctantly let Bianca go after agreeing to accompany her.

Yvonne, Lucy, and Gaspard, who held onto Alex behind Bianca, followed one after another. The maid in front of Bianca showed her the way.

"This way."

The maid's face was familiar. 

Unable to remember people, Bianca stared at the maid's face with a furrowed brow. It didn't take long for Bianca to recognize her identity. It was Celine, the daughter of Viscount Volne.

Bianca didn't immediately recognize her, but Yvonne, who was smarter than Bianca and had a good memory for people, couldn't help but recognize Celine. 

Yvonne recognized her as soon as Celine came to meet them and immediately hardened her gaze.

As she was just a commoner in the past, she was careful about where her eyes wandered for fear of tarnishing Bianca's image, but now she was a baroness. 

Yvonne expressed her wariness in her heart's content as her position wasn't much different from that of a young viscountess.

It was natural for Bianca and her to not have a good relationship. The tension that she could harm Bianca didn't let go.

Whether Yvonne did it or not, Bianca greeted Celine with a smile.

"Long time no see."

"It's an honor that you remember me, Duchess."

Celine paused for a moment and inclined her head at an angle towards Bianca. 

Perhaps because it had been a long time? 

The venomous eyes from the past were silent and unmoving. 

The tranquil face was even unfamiliar. It was a resolute attitude like someone who lived in the royal palace, not making enemies.

Seeing that she was the one who came to pick up Bianca, it seemed that she had gained Odelli's trust over the past two years. Bianca couldn't help but appear a little surprised.

"I never thought you would still be with Her Majesty."

"I showed the Duchess a lot of what I lacked."

Celine's smile showed a hint of indulgence. 

Although what happened to her weren't particularly good memories, that didn't mean she held deep grudges. 

As for Bianca, since their relationship had already dissolved in the past, she had no intention of criticizing her by mentioning the past. Bianca slowly shook her head.

"I'm not referring to that. Since women have recently inherited their family titles, I thought you would have also left to take over the viscountcy of Volne."

"... His Excellency says the same thing as Her Majesty."

Celine's tranquil face trembled greatly. The moment she mentioned Odelli, the warmth in Celine's smile was very heartfelt. Celine shifted her feet and continued.

"Her Majesty also suggested that I go to Volne and succeed the family, but I refused. I know my worth. I understand it even more when I'm by her side."

The corners of Celine's lips twisted as she remembered her father. It was a disdainful smile.

The former king banned Viscount Volne from entering the capital, but Odelli became Queen and the ban was invalidated. 

Viscount Volne came directly to the capital to establish ties with the royal family through Celine.

"The former king lost his son and became senile, and the next king is nothing more than a girl... Still, it's good for our family. If you tilt a little from one side, it will easily collapse. Do you understand, Celine? Support the princess and tell her how loyal her father is. It's not bad for you either. When her father becomes a high-ranking noble, you can also quit your servant job and marry into a better family."

Even after Odelli ascended the throne, Viscount Volne's words, calling her princess, showed how sarcastic he was towards Odelli.

Just because Odelli is a woman. Just because of that.

If it were the past Celine, she would have trembled at every word her father said, but now it's different. Seeing how hard Odelli worked to become Queen, she began to dream by her side.

That's why she couldn't stay still and listen to Viscount Volne, who tried to shake Odelli's efforts and dreams as if nothing, using the excuse of holding her back for her family.

"Now she is the queen of Sevran. You should call her Your Majesty, father."

"Do you think these four years of serving the royal family in the capital have achieved anything? How dare you belittle your father? You shameless bitch."

Viscount Volne immediately changed his attitude and became angry. He ran wild on the path and then, unable to contain his anger, raised his hand.

Fortunately, a passing guard saw what was happening and blocked Viscount Volne. Celine is the Queen's maid. Although she was inferior to her father, a viscount, in terms of title, she was superior to his influence in the royal castle.

Celine coldly rejected her father, Viscount Volne, and requested Odelli to impose a ban on the capital once again.

This meant a complete break between Celine and Viscount Volne.

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